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Art and Conversation

By 5 Oct ’09January 21st, 2012Uncategorized

Launched the new over the weekend: wordpress powered site that is a keystone in the long term strategy of building the institutions fluency in all things internet: social networking, connecting to communities, broadcasting, participating. It’s been a great project to be involved in and there is still so much to do. This links to a post from Laurie Norton-Moffat about the new site and the conversations that she hopes will start happening on the site and beyond. I invite you to check it out, and please visit the “community” tab and see all the different ways that you can connect to the museum. Please note, that this is a work in progress – in fact, it is part of the ethos of the task that the work is never done – just always evolving. I invite you to send me you thought and ideas about how to expand ahead.

Posted via web from Kevin Sprague